How to use Windows Explorer to access remote file over SSH

How to use Windows Explorer to access remote file over SSH

What do you need

  • WSL2 with Ubuntu installed on Windows 10 OS. I have Ubuntu 20.04 installed but I believe any other Linux distros may work the same.

How to

  1. Open Wsl2 terminal create mount folder in home directory. I created a folder name “~/sshfs”. (Folder in Windows’ host doesn’t work in my experiment)

  2. Open /etc/fuse.conf. Uncomment the following line.

  3. Mount the folder using

     sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions serverUser@serverAddress:/home/folderToMount ~/sshfs
  4. cd to the folder and open Windows Explorer using the command

     explorer.exe .
  5. Enjoy Window’s gui over Linux Server.